STAMP PARK ئاپەکان

海賊王スタンプ 2.0.1
『海賊王スタンプ』がAndroidアプリに初登場!某人気海賊漫画・アニメのキャラが言いそうな擬音やセリフなどのスタンプが盛りだくさん!全て手作りで作成した完全無料のスタンプ画像送信アプリです。■使い方本アプリは某人気海賊漫画・アニメのキャラが言いそうなセリフなどをスタンプにしたものです。■スタンプを送るスタンプのアイコンをタップするとスタンプをLINE、twitter、Facebook、メールなどで送る事ができます。また、各画面の上部にあるボタンでカテゴリーを切り替える事もできます。TOP画面は新着スタンプ一覧が表示されます。■ランキング使用回数が多い順にスタンプが表示されます。■履歴送信した順にスタンプが表示されます。■お気に入りお気に入り登録した順にスタンプが表示されます。【登録方法】各画面でスタンプアイコンを長押し、もしくはタップして「お気に入り追加」ボタンをタップする事でお気に入りに登録する事ができます。【削除方法】各画面でスタンプアイコンを長押し、もしくはタップして「お気に入り削除」ボタンをタップする事でお気に入りから削除する事ができます。■スタンプを保存するスタンプのアイコンをタップして「送信メニュー」の中から「アルバムに保存」をタップする事でSDカード内にスタンプの画像を保存することができます。--------- 注意事項 ---------・本アプリはワンピース(ONE PIECE)の非公式アプリです。・本アプリはワンピース(ONE PIECE)非公式アプリのため、著作権上イラストは一切使用しておりません。・スタンプ画像は全て弊社が独自に作成したものであり、本アプリはLINE株式会社やその他関連会社とは一切関係がございません。--------------------------スタンプ画像は皆様のリクエストをもとに随時追加をさせていただきますので、レビューにてリクエスト内容を書いてくださると幸いでございます。末永くよろしくお願い申し上げます。
Scary story of mystery 1.1.2
For those who like, scary story and mysteryriddle, and suspense system is an application that can be viewedwith commentary summarizes the scary story and it makes sense.Scary story will continue to be added from time to time and itmakes sense.In order to survive the long summer, Allow me to suggest that alittle chilly around here?It is good just to kill time if the environment that lead tonetwork, so you can read the story scary anywhere at any time.[Function]And historyRanking- Favorites- Read, unread management-Sticky, bookmark・・・V2.0.0Automatic scroll・・・V2.0.0Remarks of scary stories each, and we have been published basedon the interpretation of its own.Now, reasoning power of you has been tried.
顔文字スタンプ 2.0.0
『顔文字スタンプ』がAndroidアプリに初登場!かわいくて面白い顔文字などのスタンプが盛りだくさん!全て手作りの完全無料スタンプ画像送信アプリです!■使い方本アプリはSNSやメールなどに欠かす事のできない人気の顔文字をスタンプにしたものです。■スタンプを送るスタンプのアイコンをタップするとスタンプをLINE、twitter、Facebook、メールなどで送る事ができます。また、各画面の上部にあるボタンでカテゴリーを切り替える事もできます。TOP画面は新着順に全てのスタンプが表示されます。■ランキング使用回数が多い順にスタンプが表示されます。■履歴送信した順にスタンプが表示されます。■お気に入りお気に入り登録した順にスタンプが表示されます。【登録方法】各画面でスタンプアイコンを長押し、もしくはタップして「お気に入り追加」ボタンをタップする事でお気に入りに登録する事ができます。【削除方法】各画面でスタンプアイコンを長押し、もしくはタップして「お気に入り削除」ボタンをタップする事でお気に入りから削除する事ができます。■スタンプを保存するスタンプのアイコンをタップして「送信メニュー」の中から「アルバムに保存」をタップする事でSDカード内にスタンプの画像を保存することができます。--------- 注意事項 ---------・スタンプ画像は全て弊社が独自に作成したものであり、本アプリはLINE株式会社やその他関連会社とは一切関係がございません。--------------------------その他、黒子のバスケ風スタンプ、進撃の巨人風スタンプ、ドラゴンボール風スタンプ、ワンピース風スタンプなど他にもオススメのアプリがございますのでぜひぜひチェックしてください。スタンプ画像は皆様のリクエストをもとに随時追加をさせていただきますので、レビューにてリクエスト内容を書いてくださると幸いでございます。末永くよろしくお願い申し上げます。" emoticon stamp " comes up for the first time in Androidapp!Stamp, such as emoticons funny cute Lots!It is completely free stamp image transmission application of allhandmade!■ How to useThis application is the one you stamp on the face of popularcharacter I can not miss, such as e-mail and SNS.■ I will send the stampYou can send LINE, twitter, Facebook, email, etc. the stamp whenyou tap the icon of the stamp.In addition, you can also switch the Category button at the top ofeach screen.TOP screen will show all stamps in the order of the latestevent.■ rankingsStamp is displayed in the order is frequently used.■ HistoryStamp will be displayed in the order in which they weresent.■ FavoritesStamp will be displayed in the order in which the favoriteregister.[How to register]You can register to favorite by tapping the "Add to Favorites"button Tap or press and hold the stamp icon on eachscreen.[How to Delete]You can remove from your favorites by tapping the "FavoritesDelete" button Tap or press and hold the stamp icon on eachscreen.■ I want to save the stampYou can save the image of the stamp on the SD card by tapping the"Save the album" from the "Send Menu" by tapping the icon of thestamp.--------- Notes ---------Stamp image is intended all our create your own, there is not anyrelationship with affiliated companies and other LINE Co. thisapp.--------------------------Others, Kuroko'sBasketball style stamp , advance , Dragon Ball style stamp , Pleasecheck all means because there is app recommend it to others, suchas a one piece style stamp .I am happy stamp image, so you will be added from time to time onthe basis of the request of everyone, and He will write yourrequest in the review.Thank you for many years to come.
Scary Animation GIF Reader 1.0.0
This app has a lot of really scary GIFanimation image.Haunted,ghosts and the devil, monster, creature and scaryhuman.So you can taste together the horrors of various genres.In an environment that leads to the network, it is best to killtime so you can enjoy the fear and thrill anytime and anywhere.[ Function ]And historyRankingMy favorite- Read, unread management※ GIF image from time to time , we will continue to update.※ all available free of charge .※You will be able to share LINE, Twitter, Facebook and e-mail toyour friends.
Funny Animation GIF Reader 1.0.1
Funny , supernatural , painful , scary , cute,mischief , surreal , since divided into animal categories , youcanchoose from their favorite category .In an environment that leads to the network , it is best tokilltime so that you can enjoy anytime, anywhere .[ Function ]And historyRankingMy favorite- Read, unread management※ GIF image from time to time , we will continue toupdate.※ all available free of charge .※You will be able to share LINE, Twitter, Facebook and e-mailtoyour friends.
Funny funny stamp 1.1.0
All and much more totally free !! interesting stamp by hand.
Stamp for Osomatsu san 1.0.2
"Stamp for Osomatsu san" is first appearance in the Android app!
Stamp for Kuroko's Basketball 2.0.1
"Stamp for Kuroko's Basketball" comes up for the first time inAndroid app! Stamp of such words and onomatopoeia are likely to saythe character of certain popular basketball manga and anime arevaried! It is a stamp image transmission application completelyfree that you created in all handmade. ■ How to use Thisapplication is the one you like to stamp the words that are likelyto say the character of certain popular basketball manga and anime.■ I will send the stamp You can send LINE, twitter, Facebook,email, etc. the stamp when you tap the icon of the stamp. Inaddition, you can also switch the Category button at the top ofeach screen. New stamp list will show the TOP screen. ■ rankingsStamp is displayed in the order is frequently used. ■ History Stampwill be displayed in the order in which they were sent. ■ FavoritesStamp will be displayed in the order in which the favoriteregister. [How to register] You can register to favorite by tappingthe "Add to Favorites" button Tap or press and hold the stamp iconon each screen. [How to Delete] You can remove from your favoritesby tapping the "Favorites Delete" button Tap or press and hold thestamp icon on each screen. ■ I want to save the stamp You can savethe image of the stamp on the SD card by tapping the "Save thealbum" from the "Send Menu" by tapping the icon of the stamp.--------- Notes --------- • This application is an unofficial appKuroko's Basketball. · Because of Kuroko's Basketball informalapplication, this application does not use any illustrationscopyright. Stamp image is intended all our create your own, thereis not any relationship with affiliated companies and other LINECo. this app. -------------------------- I am happy stamp image, soyou will be added from time to time on the basis of the request ofeveryone, and He will write your request in the review. Thank youfor many years to come.
Stamp for Haikyu 1.0.1
"Stamp for Haikyu" is first appearance in the Android app! Certainpopular Bareboru manga, anime stamp of such character to say likelyonomatopoeia and words of miss! All are completely free of thestamp image transmission application that was created by hand. ■How to use This application is what you have certain popularityBareboru cartoon, and animation of characters to say likely wordsto the stamp. ■ send a stamp LINE a stamp when you tap the stampicon, twitter, you can send Facebook, e-mail and the like. Inaddition, you can also switch the category with the button at thetop of each screen. TOP screen will show all of the stamp to thenew order. ■ rankings It appears stamp in the order number of usesoften. ■ History It appears stamp to the transmitted order. ■Favorites Favorites registered stamp in the order will bedisplayed. [Registration method] Press and hold the stamp icon oneach screen, or you can be registered to Favorites by tapping theTap "Add to Favorites" button. METHODS: Delete] Press and hold thestamp icon on each screen, or you can be removed from your favoriteby tapping the Tap "Favorites Delete" button. ■ you want to savethe stamp Tap the stamp of the icon you can save the stamp image inthe iPhone terminal by tapping the "Save to Camera Roll" from the"Send menu". --------- Notes --------- Actual dialogue and soundeffects are used in the work, and I slightly different from thefont. · Since this app is unofficial app, copyright on theillustrations are not used at all. Stamp image are all those thatwe have create your own, this app is the LINE Co., Ltd. and otheraffiliates does not have a relationship at all.-------------------------- Stamp image so we will from time to timeadded on the basis of everyone of the request, there Blessed Withus writing a request content in reviews. Forever thank you.
進撃のスタンプ 2.0.1
『進撃のスタンプ』がAndroidアプリに初登場!某人気巨人漫画・アニメのキャラが言いそうな擬音やセリフなどのスタンプが盛りだくさん!全て手作りで作成した完全無料のスタンプ画像送信アプリです。 ■使い方本アプリは某人気巨人漫画・アニメのキャラが言いそうなセリフなどをスタンプにしたものです。 ■スタンプを送るスタンプのアイコンをタップするとスタンプをLINE、twitter、Facebook、メールなどで送る事ができます。また、各画面の上部にあるボタンでカテゴリーを切り替える事もできます。 TOP画面は新着スタンプ一覧が表示されます。 ■ランキング使用回数が多い順にスタンプが表示されます。 ■履歴 送信した順にスタンプが表示されます。 ■お気に入りお気に入り登録した順にスタンプが表示されます。 【登録方法】各画面でスタンプアイコンを長押し、もしくはタップして「お気に入り追加」ボタンをタップする事でお気に入りに登録する事ができます。【削除方法】各画面でスタンプアイコンを長押し、もしくはタップして「お気に入り削除」ボタンをタップする事でお気に入りから削除する事ができます。■スタンプを保存するスタンプのアイコンをタップして「送信メニュー」の中から「アルバムに保存」をタップする事でSDカード内にスタンプの画像を保存することができます。--------- 注意事項 --------- ・本アプリは進撃の巨人の非公式アプリです。・本アプリは進撃の巨人非公式アプリのため、著作権上イラストは一切使用しておりません。・スタンプ画像は全て弊社が独自に作成したものであり、本アプリはLINE株式会社やその他関連会社とは一切関係がございません。--------------------------スタンプ画像は皆様のリクエストをもとに随時追加をさせていただきますので、レビューにてリクエスト内容を書いてくださると幸いでございます。末永くよろしくお願い申し上げます。
Japanese Cute Moe Stamps 2.0.0
"Japanese Cute Moe Stamps for LINE" debut in Android app! Funnystamp to become story of laughter inevitable that you can use inSNS LINE twitter and (line), and the like (Twitter) Lots! It is astamp image transmission application completely free that youcreated in all handmade. ■ How to use This app is a fun stamptransmission application that can be used in such as LINE. ■ I willsend the stamp You can send LINE, twitter, Facebook, e-mail forexample, the stamp when you tap the icon of the stamp. In addition,you can also switch the category buttons at the top of each screen.TOP screen will show all stamps to Newest. ■ Index Stamp will bedisplayed in the order is frequently used. ■ History Stamp will bedisplayed in the order in which they were sent. ■ Favorites Stampwill be displayed in the order in which they were registered tofavorite. [How to register] You can to be registered in thefavorite by tapping the "add" button or tap, press and hold thestamp icon on each screen. [How to Delete] You can remove from yourfavorites by tapping the "Favorites Delete" button by tapping or,press and hold the stamp icon on each screen. ■ I want to save thestamp You can save the image of the stamp to the SD Card by tappingthe "Save to Camera Roll" from the "Send menu" by tapping the iconof the stamp. --------- Notes --------- Stamp image is intendedthat all our create your own, We do not have any relationship withaffiliates and other LINE Inc. this app. --------------------------Jewels blessed stamp because the image will be added from time totime on the basis of the request of everyone, and He will writeyour request in the review. Thank you for many years to come.
Stamp for Love Live 1.0.2
"Stamp for Love Live" is the first appearance in the Android app!
恐怖スタンプ 2.0.1
This application is the one you stamp image of the fear of scaryreally strongest.
爆笑ネタスタンプ 2.0.1